Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Take Care Harddisc Age

Want to keep your harddisk always wells and work in an optimal fashion? There many figs to realize it. All can you read. This is it.

  • Acustom to defrag the partition of hardisk to straighten stored data location in it. Use for example supporter software Dis Defragmenter in Windows Operating System. This utilities can be accessinged to pass menu" start > all programs > accessories > system tools > Disk defragmenter"

  • Check physical condition hardisk uses Windows Utilies Scan Disk. Pass windows explorer, click right in existing harddisk partition> choose properties > choose tab tools > choose Check Disk > tick off part" scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" > click ok and wait until the process finished.


  • Leave over empty space to hardisk minimal 10 percents from the capacity to gives free space for hardisk. This will speed up file accessment.
  • Clean up unnecessary file or temporarely file, for example in c: \windows\documents and setting, then click menu [tools]>[folder options in browser explorer. open tab [view, say the word cheque in [show hidden files and folders. continue access to folder documents and settings\user name\local settings\temporary internet files and temp. Clean Up both of folder contents. Remember, don't make mistakes. Don't occasionally wipe off 0kb file according to manual, because possible your system doesn't want booting.
  • Try to keep voltage electricity at your home constant for computer and available power reservist last for shut down. Use procedure if at all time electric current is brokened off. For that, if can use UPS (uninterruptible power supply) at Your home.
  • Overheating is not good. It can damage your hardisk. Therefore, exploit hibernation facilities and sleep. In windows, that facilities can be accessinged to pass [control panel]>[display. click tab [screen saver, then click button [power and arrange hibernation configuration and sleep. Second this fashion will delay rotation hard disc, decrease work head, and decrease paso electricity to harddisk moment computer is not used.

  • Arrange {ventilation air current) in order to computer. Briefly and position cable so that so that doesn't get in the way air-refreshing. If necessary, give additional fan that aim in harddisk to chill it. If use more than one harddisk, don't composed it too near in one stack. Hot from back one harddisk will spout to surface harddisk other. if harddisk you support SMART (self monitoring analysis reporting technology), activate via bios. This facilities can detect condition harddisk according to periodically and give few days warning before harddisk broken. Soon move and save contents harddisk important if appear warning from SMART.
  • membuat several partisi in harddisk to separate operating system repository and work data. so, at all time you must mengistal repeat operating system, you are unnecessary will worry your work data welfare.

That was review from me, at take away from experience and suggestion from computer magazine pc plus.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Convert Video With Total Video Converter

Without further ado, here's how to convert video files to video or audio file with Total Video Converter.

  1. Download Total Video Converter here.
  2. If completed, Double Click the Icon Total Video Converter.
  3. This will bring up the dialog box select the language, Select your language and click OK.
  4. Click Next, after the dialog box "Setup - Total Video Converter" appears.
  5. Click Next, until the section "Install" , then click the "Install" it. Wait until the installation Total Video Converter Done. Then click OK.
  6. you can simply use Total Video Converter to convert video files such as *. flv, *. WMF, *. dat, *. 3gp and so on to form other video files. For example *. WMF files into *. 3gp or files to *. mp4 or *. mp3 and so on.

That's how to convert various kinds of video files to video files or audio files with Total Video Converter. Hopefully Helpful.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What Computer Virus Is

Called computer virus, because this vandal program has many sameness with biological virus that in advance known. Both has same distribution pattern: human was infect a virus will infect other human that contact with him.
Another sameness lays in the reproduction pattern. Because it can not reproduce its self, biological virus injected its DNA into human body, and make use cell reproduction system to multiply. Operative same thing also in computer virus. To launch attack, computer virus embedding amount of program or other document.
At the (time) of program or document that infected has been run, computer virus infected program or another file. Special characters above that distinguish virus with other malware like worm, malware that can distribute and multiply its self, or spyware, malware usually walk as program standalone.

virus history

First time, Computer virus scattered by the end of 1980 because several factors. First factor the wide-speading of use PC. Before 1980-an, personal computer almost can be said there is no or only shaped toy. Computer truthfully still very rare, and only used by experts from certain circle.

Second factor use computer bulletin board. People can dial up a bulletin board use modem, and download most often various computer program during that period is game, then followed by application word processor, spreadsheet, and another voluminous application.

Bulletin board also that see off a pioneer virus that known as trojan horse. First generation viruses is code nest that inserted into program used occasionally person at that time, like game or popular word processor.

When somebody download program that infected by virus, with wicked codes from bulletin board and run it at PC, the virus loading its self into memory, and will engage in to look for other program to infect them. Furthermore, virus infection has happened when program that infected has been given to user other, either through media floppy disk also upload to bulletin board.

virus evolution

One of the important development reachesed by virus is the ability comes into memory, and then walk behind the scenes during computer active. This matter gives freedom action for virus to reproduce its self effectively.

Another important development ability is infected boot sector in floppy disk and hard disk. Boot sector is little program that first part from operating system -loading from into memory, at moment computer first time lighted. With put codes in boot sector, a virus will ascertain self excecution and mobile at computer.

Virus exist in boot sector can infect boot sector every floppy disk at insert into computer that infected. Computer at Rental computer, or Computer in campus makes this virus distribution more uncontrollably.

Virus triumph era boot sector lessened, because computer program size ever greater insufficient in a floppy Disk. Then, computer program be distributed to pass CD that can not be written (read only). But, life cycle always rolling. what ever happen in ancient time, certain will repeated at future.

So also with computer virus distribution pattern. Virus has found road other to overspread self, that is pass email dan use USB Flash Disk. Computer virus distribution via internet not such a new material, but go on since era bulletin board.

When formerly virus overspreaded to pass bulletin board, now they are using email. Sent as spam. Such also with virus boot sector formerly aim floppy disk, and lessened when popular storage media turns into CD, now change the target is usb flash disk. (Source: pcmild, 01-2009).

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Increase Computer Performance With TuneUp Utilities 2010

Your computer is slower? This problem frequently make peevish person. Then what that causes our computer performance down?
This is the explanation:
First, too much rubbish file not yet throwed away. Rubbish file is files that unused, usually congest at recycle bin. We can wipe off it if really that files hasn't need. It also can in history rubbish file and cookies. History and cookies file always there after we accessing/connected with internet.

Second, too much program that installed. This will cause accesment a program slower. Recomended, install useful program and often we use.

Third, check disk and disk defragmenter less routine. Chek disk is good for refresh hardisk. This can be accessinged with ”right-clicks diskdrive > properties > choose tab tools > click in chek disk”. chek all existing disk for refreshing.
Then disk defragmenter is good for tidy files exist in disk drive (hardisk). Because hardisk is like library, more neater that library, So books whom we shall look for even also easier will be found. And to do disk defragmenter this, we can accessing it via ”start > all programs > accessories > system tools > disk defragmenter”.

So, that's several solutions to increase computer access. When do we not want dizzy with that. Use software TuneUp Utilies. This software is attributed really to increase computer speed. It automatically will clean rubbish file, clean registry out of condition and configure computer so that has performance higher. And now available version tuneup utilies 2010. we can easily clean files unnecessary, wipe off registry out of condition, even modify display at the startup time even also can we do easily.

This software is made special to speed up computer performance to all common user. This software not free, but we can use for effort during 30 days. We can try it beforehand before buy it.

This software fits used good to windows xp, vista or even also higher. Because this software is genuinely for beginner, so the display genuinely graphic. We are confused unnecessary to uses it because tuneup utilies this also equiped tips very help for us common about computer.

TuneUp Utilities this also prepare menu Turbo Mode. Does that Turbo Mode?
Turbo Mode is condition where other programs that run according to together, a part be made as background service. Will so principal program that being run quicker will be be accessinged.

That's tips to speed up computer. Good luck.

PS.: You can visit TuneUp Utilities Web, here.