Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Take Care Harddisc Age

Want to keep your harddisk always wells and work in an optimal fashion? There many figs to realize it. All can you read. This is it.

  • Acustom to defrag the partition of hardisk to straighten stored data location in it. Use for example supporter software Dis Defragmenter in Windows Operating System. This utilities can be accessinged to pass menu" start > all programs > accessories > system tools > Disk defragmenter"

  • Check physical condition hardisk uses Windows Utilies Scan Disk. Pass windows explorer, click right in existing harddisk partition> choose properties > choose tab tools > choose Check Disk > tick off part" scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" > click ok and wait until the process finished.


  • Leave over empty space to hardisk minimal 10 percents from the capacity to gives free space for hardisk. This will speed up file accessment.
  • Clean up unnecessary file or temporarely file, for example in c: \windows\documents and setting, then click menu [tools]>[folder options in browser explorer. open tab [view, say the word cheque in [show hidden files and folders. continue access to folder documents and settings\user name\local settings\temporary internet files and temp. Clean Up both of folder contents. Remember, don't make mistakes. Don't occasionally wipe off 0kb file according to manual, because possible your system doesn't want booting.
  • Try to keep voltage electricity at your home constant for computer and available power reservist last for shut down. Use procedure if at all time electric current is brokened off. For that, if can use UPS (uninterruptible power supply) at Your home.
  • Overheating is not good. It can damage your hardisk. Therefore, exploit hibernation facilities and sleep. In windows, that facilities can be accessinged to pass [control panel]>[display. click tab [screen saver, then click button [power and arrange hibernation configuration and sleep. Second this fashion will delay rotation hard disc, decrease work head, and decrease paso electricity to harddisk moment computer is not used.

  • Arrange {ventilation air current) in order to computer. Briefly and position cable so that so that doesn't get in the way air-refreshing. If necessary, give additional fan that aim in harddisk to chill it. If use more than one harddisk, don't composed it too near in one stack. Hot from back one harddisk will spout to surface harddisk other. if harddisk you support SMART (self monitoring analysis reporting technology), activate via bios. This facilities can detect condition harddisk according to periodically and give few days warning before harddisk broken. Soon move and save contents harddisk important if appear warning from SMART.
  • membuat several partisi in harddisk to separate operating system repository and work data. so, at all time you must mengistal repeat operating system, you are unnecessary will worry your work data welfare.

That was review from me, at take away from experience and suggestion from computer magazine pc plus.